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Jagadish Chandra Bose Research Centre invites B.Tech/BE (any branch, year)/ MCA / BCA / MBA(IT) students for Summer Training/Internship 2016. The internship courses are starting from May-2016 till July-2016. We deliver workshops on Matlab, Embedded Systems, Arduino, PCB Designing, LabView, Robotics, Web Technologies and many more. 

Summer Training

Jagadish Chandra Bose Research Centre has well established laboratories and highly qualified faculties having industy experiences.

We Provide Summer Training in various fields related to Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering.

Winter Training

Turn your winter holidays into great learning experience! Join us as our trainers share new research ideas and applications

Weekend Training

Are you a working professional? wants to upgrade your technical expertiese then don't let your office to come in between.

JCBRC have taken initiative towards providing Weekend Training Sessions for the students of various disciplines and working professionals. 

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