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Tutorial Lessons on Audio and Speech Signal Processing using Matlab

Tutorial Lessons :

Audio signal finds very interesting applications in our daily life. Understanding the processing part of it also becomes crucial for Engineers.  In this tutorial series we have provided lecture videos with instructional material to teach you some basic and advanced concepts of Audio & Speech Signal Processing. 

  1. Lesson 1: Read Audio Files in Matlab :- In this lesson we have discussed about some basic commands in Matlab in order to read various kind of sound files. Once Data is present in Matlab then we can do any signal processing on it.

  2. Lesson 2: Record Speech/Sound using Matlab :- In this lesson we have discussed sbout procedure for recording speech from Matlab. This is an important step while implementing speech processing algorithms in real time.

  3. Lesson 3: Spectral Analysis of Speech/Sound using Matlab :- In this lesson we have talked about Fourier Transform (FT) and Power Spectral Density (PSD) and their implementation in Matlab.

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